André Luiz Maranhão de Souza Leão
I have a PhD degree in Management from Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), where I am associate professor at the Management Department (DCA) and faculty member at the Management Graduate Program (PROPAD). Currently I hold the positions of Education Director at ANPAD - Brazilian Management Association, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Organizational Management (Gestao.Org), and Deputy Head of PROPAD. Formerly I also hold the positions of VP Education at IFSAM - International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (2021-2022), Coordinator (2018-2022) and Deputy Head (2009-2010) of PROPAD, and Deputy Head of DCA (2020-2022). I am research fellow of CNPq - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (since 2010), ad hoc consultant for CNPq and Capes - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, and referee for several journals and conferences. My current research focuses on productive practices of fan consumption, discursive practices of the entertainment industry and the technological mediation of the production-consumption relationship, following the agenda of the AKAFans - Collective of Researchers on Fan, Media and Entertainment Studies (
AKAFans - Collective of Researchers on Fan, Media and Entertainment Studies (
- Assemblages de Relações Parassociais de Influenciadores Digitais com Fãs por meio das Mídias Sociais (Edital Universal CNPq 2021). >> 2022 - atual
- Escolhas Ocupacionais de Profissionais de Inovação, Criatividade e Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação: Um Estudo a partir de Experiências Vividas na Utilização de Tecnologias e Mídias Digitais (Edital MAI/DAI CNPq 2020). >> 2021 - atual
Pesquisa do Consumidor e Estudos de Fãs: Tecendo um Campo Interdisciplinar >> 2016 - atual
Fans’ (esth)Et(h)ics Elaboration: Poaching as True Love Practice (
a/N3M39BJT9Fd685H3gCSrJtJ/? lang=en) -
Resisting to Game of Thrones: a Fannish Agonism (
insight/content/doi/10.1108/ REGE-12-2020-0124/full/html). -
Hipsters versus Posers: Fannish Split in the Indie Music World (
a/ykvGt4VFWnkywmcSC3t6cjS/ abstract/?lang=en). -
Fan Affirmation: Alethurgy on an Indie Music Fandom (
a/NwFGq8rxhcFJ8RTVkMrByQR/ abstract/?lang=en). -
From Play to Political Action: Prosumerism on Fanvideo Meme Production (
a/M9RJyyjWDThWqShKXFt7CxR/? lang=en). -
Consumption Attachments of Brazilian Fans of the National Football League (
insight/content/doi/10.1108/ INMR-02-2019-0015/full/html). -
Cultural Identity in the Consumption of the National Football League by Brazilian Fans (
cebape/a/ nX5kSmbSQ9PPbn6hSRcZf4N/?lang= en).